Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hi guys,

A quick post to let you know what I've been up to today.  Check out "True North Arts " she has a wonderful post about cross-making.  What a great idea to make crosses out of found objects from your environment during Lent.  I work in a place where they throw out allot of perfectly good supplies and I have saved some to use for my cross.

 The cross is made out of garbage pieces of "rag-mat"I have some old book pages and I will use some of the words that I find interesting or that I am drawn to.  At work we throw out allot of the brown wrapping paper so I saved some because I like the organic color and feel of it.  I also used a butterfly stamp with gold ink, (I put the butterfly stamp on almost everything).  I then used some pen and ink (brown) and distressed the edges with "Vintage Photo-Distress Ink".  Then for a finished touch I sprayed the whole cross with "Tattered Angel's-Glimmer Mist".

I have named my cross....Forgiveness.  I have a few resentments and I blame myself for certain things that I feel responsible for in my lifeso making this and meditating during the creation process has made me feel more peaceful with myself.  Thank-you Kathryn for enlightening me today :)

 If anyone and everyone is up for the challenge...what is your cross that you bear today?

"We are not human beings trying to be spiritual.  We are spiritual beings trying to be human."   Jacquelyn Small

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

How beautiful and what a wonderful project during Lent.

I love the cross, my cross today has been Ben's allergies, its so hard to see Ben during an allergic reaction. We were at a playdate and something he touched and put on his head he reacted too ... poor little fellow seeing him like that. He's okay went through the whole protocol but sad to see it and this is a part of his life. As a mother its most challenging to me

Love you,
your sis,