Monday, January 10, 2011

Art really is everywhere....

Good Day All :)

I have had a pretty busy week trying to get in all my favorite art journalling classes.  There are so many free ones right now.  January is the greatest month for art is seems.  Check out the Sketchbook Challenge, you'll notice the new button on the right side of my blog.  Click on it and it will take you right there.  They are posting a "prompt" for the month of January.  It is "Highly Prized".  I pondered this for quite awhile...doing a journal page for this is hard and if you saw how small my journal is there isn't a lot of room for everything I "highly prize".  Family and close loved ones are the most prized for me and if I was doing a mural I could fit everyone who have changed my life and inspired me...but I am not so here is what I have so far;
I am still working on the layout, but it is turning out pretty good I think.  I still have some work to do on Britney (the girl on the right) she isn't quite done to me yet.  If I get done before the end of the month and post it in the Challenge I will have the opportunity to win some cool products.  Want to join me?  What is it that YOU "highly prize"?  It can be anything from God to a salt shaker...join the challenge :)

As I mentioned before Milliande is doing her Art Journalling January.  And in week 2 we were doing Zebra Mandalas.  I was just beginning mine and it turned out very busy lol.  
Needless to say, Milliande is on day 10 and I am still on day 2... I am definitely NOT a speed artist.  No wonder I can't make a living at this.  But it isn't a race thank goodness, and I am totally enjoying drawing and doing art with these fantastic women!  I have allot of catching up to do.  I will attempt to upload her video on my blog so that you can see what I see.  She is such a free spirited artist...she creates without fear.  That's what draws me to her, I need me some of that.  She isn't afraid to mess up and is perfectly fine if it doesn't turn out the way she expected.  I am learning to do that.  Let go, breathe....

I uploaded a video but it turned out supersized...sorry...I am still learning how to do stuff.  Next week I will try and make it smaller.  

I received some amazing "Art" in the mail from my "Amazing Uncle Don".  At 70+ yrs of age his painting just gets better and better, he inspired,coached and supported me as a little girl and still inspires me to this day.  I hope and pray that I will still be in love with art at that age and can still produce the beauty he captures.  Thanks Uncle Don ;)
  Every year he sends me a beautifully hand painted ornament and every year I am so thankful!  These are the best gifts, art from the heart.  

Another cool site that I am taking a free online art class is the strathmore visual journal workshops .  Check it out, I am taking a free class with Pam Carriker and her new book will be out in February...can't wait!!

" Doing and making; are acts of HOPE and as that hope grows we stop feeling overwhelmed by the troubles of the world."                    Corita Kent

Well folks...Have a creatively wonderful week.
Love and Hugs :)