Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Some Mail Art

Hi there Folks,

Its been a busy week...all work and...you know the rest.  

I have now found myself with 4 days off in a row...wow!  What will I do.  Today was a wash.  I did absolutely N O T H I N G.  I lazed around.  Ya I know ...me...nothing!  Not like me.  I call it a "recoup day"  Doesn't everyone need one of those?  One where you can just let go of all your responsibilities and just B E.  No guilt, no should haves, no lists in your mind....just BE.  It felt like one of those days today.  I surfed the net, got some cool movies.  Watched "American Idol" the one I missed from last week.  Checked out some blogs that I haven't looked at in awhile (because I have no time).  I had time to enjoy making supper instead of just throwing something together because it's late.  

It was a very relaxing day.  I feel newly rejuvenated.  Like taking a deep breath of fresh crisp air.  We all need to check in with our inner selves once in awhile and really listen to the calm, the quiet...our own heart beating.  Do you ever make time for yourself...check in?  What does your body want?  Your mind...your spirit.  Reconnect...with....YOU.

I thought I would share with you some "Mail Art" that I have received over the last couple of months.
I got this one just before Christmas.  It is from "Lady L".  It's cool.  It is sewn all the way around, reminds me of the cards and letters I used to get from my Grandmother.  I love it, the colors are calming and the cup of tea...amazing.  Very tiny details to cut out.  Very precise.  Takes allot of patience for this one.  What is better than this...I love getting miniature "Art" in the mail!

This is the one I sent her.  I think I have put this picture up already.  But I sure enjoyed making it.  I used a stencil with watercolors and inking and I just went to town.  I have talked so much about this mail art that 2 of my co-workers joined the group.  It is so exciting.
I received this one in the beginning of this month from "Winged Heart".  I just love it.  The colors are bright and I love the use of the primary colors. The recycled paper is amazing as well.  And the messages stand out so well.  Like we all have the power.  Use it!

This is one that I made and sent him.  I used recycled paper as well and my "Twinkling H20's" stickers to make the star shapes and stamps and of course inking, I love inking.  Postcards are the perfect size for miniature art.  I am not intimidated by the small size and I feel free to create.  I get to try out new techniques and I don't fear rejection because "it's ANONYMOUS".  Yippee!

This is my newest one.  Different eh?  I am not sure who I will send it to.  Maybe I will put all the names in a hat.  There are only 13 names left on the list.  For this one I used my Windsor Newton watercolors wet-on-wet technique, my Neocolors 11, pen and ink, stamps and stazon ink, white gel pen and piano music paper.  

I think...to answer my sister's question about my studio.  During my days off I will be working in the mess (God help me).  I will try and get some of the stuff put away.  I need some shelves put up and a door would be wonderful.

And another thing...this month is very special and not just because of Valentine's Day.  It is my little nephews 5th Birthday.  Happy Birthday "Little Man"!  I love you.

 Well guys...time for bed.  Sweet dreams.  Until next week have a wonderfully creative week.

"You are the creative type.  We all are...even if we don't know it yet."        Oprah