Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Very first blog post...finally...

   After much procrastination ( I mean months)....here I am...actually "blogging".  I must say...this frightens me, I am learning that I must be insecure if I am this nervous...right?           
   What do I expect...that someone will actually read this?  Or that my words will reach the masses? Ya...sure.  That's probably what is stopping me dead in my tracks.  I will pretend that I am just talking to myself (which isn't too far off anyways) and then maybe I will be able to do this.
   I have to hand it to all of you "experienced bloggers" ...I tip my hat to you.  There is alot of work to this..I mean...just learning how to work "blogger" is a challenge, ha ha.  But I figure if I am nice and supportive to myself, it will all work out.  

   Not to have a pity party or anything but since last summer;
  1. My oldest daughter graduated high school.
  2. My Mother-In-Law passed away.
  3. We inherited a toy poodle, named "Muffin" (that is pretty much self explanatory).
  4. We left our home of 10 years and moved across town in less than a month.
  5. My oldest moved out...(I am still in shock).
  6. I started a new job.
  7. My youngest turned 15...need I say more.
So I am adjusting or maybe still running in "survival mode" who knows.  But I have let my art dwindle and my studio is in shambles, I will show you and maybe the pure embarrassment will prompt me to not get overwhelmed and actually start unpacking and organizing.
   EeeK!  Isn't it awful?  It has been two months since we moved in.  I packed a "survival art kit" because I knew I wouldn't be able to find my stuff for a long time...and now I am missing my stuff so much.  I am tired of the basic art supplies in my kit.  But...I have learned to use basics for art which, for me is a good thing.  A person can get overwhelmed with "too" much, you know.  So I have learned alot from all my supplies being packed.  I haven't bought anything...which is good because I am a recovering art-supply junkie...ha ha.   
   So I will post my progress as I tackle this room.  This should get me moving lol.

   Next post I will put up some pictures of some of my art using my basic art kit.  Have a great day folks.
Successful people replace the words "wish", "should" and "try" with...."I Will."