Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Busy, busy, busy.....

   As some of you already know, I work in a retail store.  I haven't been in this line of work in a long time and you know when you are out of the fast lane, things stand out to you that you didn't realize before.  
   Is it me or is everyone running at high speed, on a caffine high and no one has patience for each other anymore?  What happened to people being nice to each other...people (adults) actually "push" each other in line and butte in front of seniors, who don't move very fast.  We are only in our 2nd week of November and people are .... I have to say it....NUTS!  This is a wake up call to everyone....BE NICE!!  If you have a shopping bin full of stuff and you notice someone behind you has like 2 things...let them go ahead.  Pushing people around doesn't get you there any faster....and if it does...something else will slow you down....like "the punishment lights" you know the ones, you sit there for at least 10 minutes waiting at a red light for no one in particular.  Karma.  If we don't slow down and be more "present" in our surroundings and in our life, life will make us.  

   Here are some de-stressers that work well for me at this time of year, you can do these anywhere;
  1. Accept the fact that you will be late...look around at the scenery.  Art is all around you to enjoy no matter where you are.  I wait for trains alot and the graffiti on them is truly remarkable.
  2. Sing or hum.  To yourself or out loud whichever way makes you feel better.  Music is very calming and meditative.
  3. Smile.  No matter how mad or tense you are, when you are smiling it is hard to stay stressed.
  4. Deep belly breaths.  At least three deep breaths.  When we are tense we clench and take shallow breaths.  Deep breaths gives your brain the needed oxygen and makes you feel calmer.
  5. Change your thoughts.  It can be done.  Its hard but very possible.  Not everyone is out to get us and doing horrible things to us.  It may seem that way but its not always the way we think it is.
  6. I have 2 teen girls...and I'll tell you...if I didn't do art everyday, I would not be a very sane person.  Doing something, anything creative grounds you.  I don't just mean "art" but writing, acting, singing, reading, dancing...creativity of any kind is a natural de-stresser.
     It was my best friends birthday on the 8th.  Happy Birthday Bestie!  I decorated her envelope with stamps and watercolors.  It took all of 10 minutes...very calming and I must say....fun.  When was the last time that you colored or doodled.  Try it for 10 minutes.  Don't think just doodle. 

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."                                                  Anonymous