Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lets batten down the hatches....

It is sooooooo COLD!!!! Today was -40 with the wind chill. I don't know if I have mentioned this to you before....but I H A T E winter and cold. If I could be a hermit and live in a cave and not come out till spring, I would not hesitate. I would make a great bear in my next life, because hibernating for the winter sounds so perfect and right to me. Every year I say the same thing....why do I live in Canada? Why don't I know how to build an igloo? These temperatures are unheard of...who chooses to live in these un-natural conditions? I am a very strong willed individual and there are only 2 things that bring me down....mosquitoes and cold.
We have had allot of snow in the last week as well, so it does look very wintery and Christmasy out there. This week-end was a stay indoors and paint all week-end, it was way too cold to do anything else. We tried taking the dog for a walk but she was too cold and we had to put her in her insulated back-pack...she wouldn't walk anymore...poor thing. I need to buy her some boots, I miss summer.

This was Week 3-Part 1 in Willowings' Art, Heart and Healing Class. As I mentioned last week, we were to think of a childhood trauma and draw whimsy characters turning the trauma around to something positive. What a fantastic healing exercise. The one I chose to do was that our family moved every year as I was growing up, we moved so much that I had troubles making friends and always experienced loss, like leaving grandparents and cousins and family connections to new places and new homes and new schools. As I got older I realize that it was a good thing and that I wouldn't be who I am today without those experiences, but I think it is good to acknowledge the fact that it was devastating to a young person and to heal the little girl inside will in turn help me. So I drew 4 characters, 2 on each page, 1 of which is me as a young girl and on the other page one represents me as a youth. It shows me growing up in the same house during my youth and having a stable childhood.

Here is Jackie's pictures, she thought she couldn't draw little whimsies. Very cute.  She worked very hard on these and what an amazing transformation.  Next week we get to do the cover of our books.  Can't wait. I am having alot of trouble with Blogger today, it took me most of the night just trying to get these pictures on.  Anyways...hopefully they will have the problem fixed by next week.  Cross your fingers.

"For any artist to persevere, they must have an enthusiastic audience of at least one."   Stuart Davis